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Statement from the History Center 6/3/20

It is deeply troubling to witness history that has an abiding and ugly rhythm – systemic racism. The unjust killings of George Floyd, Amaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor sadly and poignantly offer up a seminal question that our country has repeatedly failed to answer, how can we motivate racial justice and create equity? As an institution devoted to historical interpretation and explanation, it is our responsibility to illuminate connections between past and present through personal stories, however difficult.

Collectively, our team is tremendously saddened and grieved by these events. Simply put, museums such as ours have not always lifted up diverse voices.  We  have fallen short on meeting our goal. We recognize this, and are committed to being a better storyteller by sharing the voices of our whole community.

Change is not comfortable and real change takes time. Our organization has been on a journey to address this challenge for a number of years. Our new moniker Your History Starts Here was specifically selected as a means to convey to all York Countians that YOUR history is OUR history. Beyond the moniker, we are working to expand our programs and content. We are committed to making this programming a reality in the future, and to make our museums and sites spaces where all stories are told.

We are here to listen, learn, and to help amplify your voices.  We stand in solidarity with those calling out injustices and we promise to keep and protect your stories for years to come.  Your story and voice deserves to be heard.