York Civil War Round Table
Founded as the White Rose Civil War Round Table, the York CWRT holds monthly meetings the third Wednesday of every month except December at 7:00 p.m. at the York County History Center now at 121 N. Pershing Ave. in York, Pennsylvania. There is free parking behind the building. Each meeting features a guest speaker talking about a Civil War topic of local or national interest. Meetings are FREE and open to the public.
The York Civil War Round Table is a non-profit organization that seeks to promote, interpret, preserve, and protect the Civil War heritage of York County, Pennsylvania, through the education and exchange of information with its members and the general public. Membership is free and open to anyone interested in learning more about the American Civil War. For upcoming programs, please visit the Cannonball webpage https://www.yorkblog.com/cannonball/york-cwrt/.
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