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Strategic Direction

Action Plans Homeschool Group

History Center approves strategic plan for 2023-2027

Following a lengthy process that started in 2021, the History Center’s leadership approved a new strategic plan in October of 2022. The plan identified goals in five areas of focus: Diversity, Sustainability, Dynamic Programming, Community Connector and Collections. The immediate priority for the past 18 months has been to complete construction on the new museum. In addition, for each focus area, the plan identified several goals to guide staff’s work. Under Diversity, for example, the Center has hired a Community Historian who is tasked with building connections organizations and people to help gather and tell previously untold stories from underserved communities. For Community Connector, the Center has developed innovative school programs and grown relationships with teachers and schools.

Read the Plan
  • Share Your History

    We want to hear your stories

    One of our strategic goals is to uncover previously untold stories, and to look for stories in parts of the community that have too often been overlooked. You can help us achieve that goal and help preserve your own history by sharing stories with us. We hold Share Your History events and scanning days to give you the opportunity to organize your documents and to talk with us about the stories that make your family unique and that add threads to the fiber of our community.

    Learn More

The staff and board of the History Center would love to have partners to join us in sharing our excitement about the rich history of York County. Would you consider volunteering?