Placing History at the Center Campaign: Silent vs. Secret

The York County History Center’s capital campaign is underway, and from April 1, 2017 through July 1, 2017, we will be in the Silent Phase.
But what in the world IS the Silent Phase, and why are we talking about it if it’s Silent?
The answer is that during the Silent Phase, campaign leaders are seeking lead gifts that will constitute a large portion of the dollars needed to complete the project. Conversations are taking place, and much work is happening behind-the-scenes to insure that the campaign is a success.
So while it’s called the Silent Phase, it’s certainly not a Secret that we’re working hard and raising money and making plans for the future York County History Center, set to open in 2020. If you’ve heard about the project, or have seen something in the media, or followed us on Facebook, but still aren’t completely clear about what we’re doing, here’s a link to more information about the History Campus we’re envisioning:
So what happens next?
When the Silent Phase concludes, the Public Phase begins. That’s when we look to the community to get involved! And the first opportunity to do just that is our kickoff events on June 24, 2017! Titled Traveling Through Time to Power Our Future, the kickoff will feature interactive stations, historic interpreters from all periods of history and fun activities for the whole family at Colonial Complex, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. The evening features a History themed Creek Fire and music at Foundry Park.
Additional opportunities to get involved include a York Revolution weekend June 30-July 2, and a Pop-Up Exhibit at Marketview Arts during July’s First Friday!
This all sounds great, but why should I care to get involved?
The answer is that this will be YOUR History Center, reflecting YOUR story, and the exhibits we are designing are meant to interpret the history of YOUR ancestors! For us, that’s what it’s all about, so we’re working hard to be sure that we tell the stories YOU want to see! Right now, we’re working with PRD Design (Planning, Research, Design), a firm that specializes in creating exhibit designs that will tell the stories of York County in an interactive, inspiring, and innovative way. And they—and we—want to know what you care most about!
So, in the next two months, we’re holding a series of Community Input Meetings, held in a location near you, where we’ll ask these kinds of questions:
All are welcome to attend. Each meeting will last approximately 2 hours, and light refreshments will be served. Here’s the schedule:
May 4, 6-8 p.m. Maple Shade Barn, 35 Greenbrier Lane, Dillsburg
May 11, 6-8 p.m. Hanover Area Historical Society, 305 Baltimore St.
May 18, 6-8 p.m. Glen Rock Mill Inn, 50 Water St., Glen Rock
June 20, 6-8 p.m. Historical Society Museum, 250 E. Market St., York
June 29, 6-8 p.m. John Wright Restaurant, 234 N. Front St., Wrightsville
Please RSVP to Kate Redshaw, (717) 848-1587, ext. 210, or email her at We look forward to seeing you there!