Getting Engaged—With Youth and Families!

The York County History Center has always welcomed families and youth as part of a mission that “…inspires the exploration of the history, people and culture of our county, state and nation.” Traditionally, we have offered Family Day at the Agricultural & Industrial Museum, targeted to families with children ages 4-10. We also hold a festival at the Colonial Complex each summer, where history buffs and inquisitive 5-year-olds can both learn something new. Likewise, our annual commemoration of the adoptions of the Articles of Confederation is geared to all ages. We also offer scout programs and serve thousands of students through school tours.
This summer, however, we have expanded our offerings geared to tiny babes through young teens, along with their parents, grands, and other caregivers.
New this year is an immersive day-long workshop called Washington’s Soldiers, for 10-14 year olds. This program is planned and conducted by the Kittatinny Associators. The day will start with a mustering in and end with a mock skirmish.
Other new options include weekday Stroller Tours, Preschool Activities, and Saturday activities for the family.
August’s offerings are as follows:
Stroller Tour Series
First Wednesday of the month through December
9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Non-members: $6/adult
Members: Free
No registration necessary
Calling all caregivers! Discover some local history with baby in tow! Enjoy 45-60 minute themed tours through downtown or at one of the History Center’s museums in an understanding atmosphere where babies are allowed to be babies. In the event of inclement weather, call to confirm if the tour has been rescheduled.
August 2, 2017
Historic Walking Tour
Departing from the Historical Society Museum
Find the final resting place of the signer of the Declaration of Independence. Discover the home that served as a stop on the Underground Railroad? Join us for fresh air, local history, and an outing with other caregivers.
Preschool Activity Series (for ages 3-6)
2nd Wednesday of each month, year round
9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Locations vary
Non-Member: $6/child; adults caregivers free
Members: Free
No registration necessary
Explore the History Center through demonstrations, make and takes, or hands-on activities. These 45-60 minute programs are designed to engage the 3-6 year old set in fun, educational activities.
August 9, 2017
Play 1700’s Dress Up
Colonial Complex
Learn about the clothing worn in colonial York. Feel the fabrics used and try on a colonial outfit. Includes a make and take craft for a colonial-style hat.
Family Activity Series
3rd Saturday of each month, year round
11 a.m.-noon
Non-Members: $6/children ages 4 and up; adults caregivers free
Members: Free
No registration necessary
Spend quality time at the museum! With activities that promote working together and building memories, the Family Activity series will be filled with learning and laughter. Programs are 60 minutes.
August 19, 2017
Colonial Complex
Shine a Light on Colonial Lighting!
Before electricity, how did people light their homes? Explore grease lamps, candles, and lanterns, including punched tin lanterns. Make a metal punch ornament to take home.
For more information, visit our website at, or contact Education Director Parthena Bowman at or 848-1587, ext. 303.
We look forward to interacting with many new faces at our sites, and we hope that we can spark a lifelong love of history!