Delayed opening Feb. 6

Because of this morning’s wintry weather and slippery roads, the History Center will open at noon today, Thursday, Feb. 6.

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COVID-19 Update March 26

The York County History Center will remain closed through the end of April.  Programming and events scheduled for April will either be postponed or cancelled.  At the end of April, our team will re-evaluate the situation based on information from the CDC, PA Department of Health, and Governor Wolf’s office and decide our next step moving forward.  We will continue to update you should anything change before then.

During this time, we want you to be able to continue to enjoy learning about York history because Your History Still Starts Here.  We have created a new resource page, York History at Home on our website.  This page will allow you to take virtual tours, download coloring pages, read articles, and much more.  This page will continue to grow as our team continues to work hard to bring this information to our community.

We appreciate your understanding and support during this challenging time and we look forward to being able to see you all again in person!  Until then please enjoy our online resources while you stay home and stay safe.

We acknowledge that additional changes may be on the horizon based upon the fluidity of the pandemic.  Please continue to check our website (, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for future updates.