2021 Award Recognitions

Because of this morning’s wintry weather and slippery roads, the History Center will open at noon today, Thursday, Feb. 6.
In the continued spirit of embracing our county’s history, we are in awe of the exceptional efforts to preserve, and share York County’s rich past. As such, it is our honor to recognize people, organizations, and businesses who understand the importance of capturing our heritage for the purpose of sharing it with the community. Recognizing the abundance of historical events, programs, and preservation work occurring throughout the county, in 2011 the York County History Center Board of Directors instituted an annual recognition program to celebrate these efforts. Now we continue to celebrate those who have improved the historical wealth and knowledge of York County history.
Chair’s Award – Neal Hively
This award is given at the discretion of the Board of Directors’ Chair and the Awards Task Force to an individual(s), posthumous or living, organization(s) or a business that demonstrate exemplary stewardship of history through service, philanthropy, research, or actions for the long-term benefit of the York County community. The Chair’s Award represents the highest honor at the York County History Center.
Heritage Profile Award – Jeff Kirkland
The Heritage Profile Award recognizes those individuals who have made a lasting or significant contribution in interpreting, promoting, researching, and/or otherwise extending the knowledge, preservation, and understanding of the history of York County. Individuals to be considered include those living or deceased who have demonstrated evidence of long-term dedication and personal commitment in pursuit of these goals.
Community Awards:
Business Award – Murphy & Dittenhafer
This award is accorded to a business that endeavors to preserve history within the York County region in the areas of company history, building preservation, philanthropy, or other involvement with celebrating the past for the benefit of the community, or which develops in its current business an extraordinary example of innovation that contributes to York County’s historic value of ingenuity in business and industry.
Local – Red Lion Historical Society
The Local History Organization award recognizes those associations or organizations whose activity in local and regional history serves as a role model of excellence for others to follow. The award is specifically reserved for those associations/organizations associated with local historical efforts that are deemed to have made a significant contribution in preserving, interpreting, promoting, researching, or otherwise extending knowledge and understanding of the history of their locality, county, or region within York County.
Government – York County Economic Alliance – Rail Towns
The Government Award recognizes outstanding contributions to the understanding and promotion of local history by municipalities without historical organizations. Advancement of historical activities may include community celebrations, commemorative publications, audiovisual materials, historical interpretation, archival development, and community service.
Volunteers of the Year Award – Rebecca Manifold, Lynn Nelson, and Karen Wix
Volunteers are at the heart of our organization. Although we have exceptional staff, their numbers and volume of work is accomplished in partnership with exceptional people who give their time not only to the History Center but to benefit the community. Each year is it is difficult to select just a few of these dedicated individuals who set a high standard of volunteerism. That said, it is important to recognize the deep commitment several people have made over the years. This year two individuals were selected for their long-term activities and commitment to documenting York County history.
Congratulations to all of our award recipients for enriching our county and each of us through your efforts to preserve and share history.