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First Friday

York County History Center Museum 121 North Pershing Ave., York, PA, United States

Sign in at the front desk for free entry and take an adventure through 300+ year of York County History as you explore the museum during First Friday.

Agricultural York

York County History Center Museum 121 North Pershing Ave., York, PA, United States

Learn about the people, places and things connected to local agriculture. Each session highlights different organizations within the agricultural community like family farms, wineries, apiaries and Penn State Extension.

Civil War Roundtable

York County History Center Museum 121 North Pershing Ave., York, PA, United States

Ron Kirkwood, author of two books on Gettysburg's George Spangler farm, visits the Roundtable in January to talk about his most recent book on the Spangler Farm, "Tell Mother Not to Worry." Ron will discuss the stories of the battle's aftermath, many of them previously untold, that shaped the lives of soldiers, surgeons and theContinue reading "Civil War Roundtable"


Lafayette’s Grand Tour

York County History Center Museum 121 North Pershing Ave., York, PA, United States

In 1824, American Revolutionary War hero the Marquis de Lafayette visited the United States of America for a Grand Tour of all 24 states, including a historic visit to York. Join public historian Elizabeth Reese in a lecture follow's Lafayette's tour, highlighting the important people, events, and legacy of America's favorite fighting Frenchman.


Black History Month Celebration

Dr. Dorothy King, a playwright and retired sociology professor at Penn State Harrisburg, will have a group of student actors from a local theater company read from one her works, "White Rose, Black Skin." The day will also include hands-on activities and a scavenger hunt. The reading starts at 1 p.m. The program is aContinue reading "Black History Month Celebration"


Lafayette Returns to York!

York County History Center Museum 121 North Pershing Ave., York, PA, United States

Our event will begin in Continental Square with a procession down Market Street to the Colonial Complex and ending at the History Center for brief remarks, a pop up display of Lafayette related artifacts and light refreshments. Come dressed for the weather and ready to hear from Lafayette during a recreation of his 1825 toast.


First Friday

York County History Center Museum 121 North Pershing Ave., York, PA, United States

Sign in at the front desk for free entry and take an adventure through 300+ year of York County History as you explore the museum during First Friday.

Treasures & Trinkets

York County History Center Museum 121 North Pershing Ave., York, PA, United States

Volunteers with the Friends of the History Center have been collecting items for this new Treasures & Trinkets fundraising event. Items that will be on sale include hundreds of scarves, dozens of purses and many pieces of jewelry and accessories for men and women. A handful of higher-value items will be sold via silent auction.
