colonial girls

York County History Center’s Annual Fund

Inspiration. Education. Exploration. Recognition. Action.

Last year, through the generosity of individuals like you, the History Center was able to bring to life the York County experience for more than 26,500 onsite visitors through programs, exhibits and activities.

Contributions to our Annual Fund enabled us to:

Maintain and research our growing collection of more than 300,000 York County artifacts and documents, including 8,800 genealogical records, more than 10,000 pieces of York-produced Pfaltzgraff pottery, and an airplane! Bring to life new and inspiring artifacts, exhibits and collections, like the Squirrel Tail Bake Oven, Reddy Kilowatt, The Fiery Trial and Civil War Letters from Home. Connect adults, students and their families with York County culture and history through 50 education programs: including the Second Saturday lecture series, Lunch with the Librarians and Family Day.


Help us celebrate our collective York County history by making a contribution to our Annual Fund. Your gift this year of $25, $50, $100 or more will ensure that families and individuals, students and visitors, can continue to explore, learn and share the stories that make us a vibrant community.

Revolutionary Delegation

To honor Annual Fund gifts of $1,000 or more, we invite you to join the Revolutionary Delegation. Annual gifts from the Revolutionary Delegation help ensure that we can continue to offer exceptional programs, exhibits and resources for the benefit of both local residents and visitors from afar, as well as meticulously care for the objects in our collection. Revolutionary Delegation participants are more than just members; they enjoy a close friendship with the York County History Center, receiving invitations to exclusive events and exhibit openings, as well as an invitation to an annual dinner in June specifically tailored to Revolutionary Delegation members. To learn more about joining the Revolutionary Delegation, please contact The York County History Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation under Internal Revenue Service regulations. The official registration and financial information of York County History Center may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Our fiscal year is July 1 through June 30.