How to Submit an Object as a Potential Donation
Step #1
- Complete an Object Information Form
- Describe the object’s provenance (history), including how it is relevant to York County
- Include as many high quality images as possible
- Mail, E-mail, or hand deliver form and images to the York County History Center
- Please do NOT bring potential donations to the History Center
Step #2
- Form and images are presented to the Collections Committee at their next meeting
- Committee reviews and makes a decision regarding the potential object donation
- Possible Collections Committee Decisions — Accept, Decline, or Need More Information/See In-Person
Step #3
- Director of Collections will notify potential donor of the Collections Committee’s decision
- If Declined — Director of Collections will suggest other possible organizations that would be a better fit for the object
- If Accepted — Director of Collections will initiate the transfer of ownership process
- If Need More Information — Director of Collections will advise the potential donor of the next steps
For more information regarding our artifact collection or to inquire about a possible donation please contact:
Bailey Lozanoff, Collections Manager
717.848.1587 x213